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  • 2022 Stock Market Year-in-Review and 2023 Outlook
    Wealth Management

    2022 Stock Market Year-in-Review and 2023 Outlook

    From a return perspective, 2022 has been a challenging year for the stock market. In this edition of Buckingham Weekly Perspectives, Managing Director of Investment Strategy Kevin Grogan shares the highs and lows over the last year and his outlook for 2023.
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  • Top 10 Things to Do Before 2022 is Over
    Take Advantage of these Money-Saving Opportunities
    Wealth Management

    Top 10 Things to Do Before 2022 is Over

    The holidays usher in a joyful time of family gatherings, holiday parties, fun with friends and the promise of a bright new year. But before you put a bow on 2022, there are a few financial housekeeping tasks that you should review.
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  • The A, B, Cs of Medicare
    Retired Couple Walking Their Dog
    Wealth Management

    The A, B, Cs of Medicare

    If you are overwhelmed by the process, definitions and complexities of Medicare, you are not alone. According to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), almost 64 million Americans were fully enrolled in the Medicare program in October 2021.
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  • How to Find an Advisor You Can Trust
    Business Man Talking With Wealth Advisor
    Wealth Management

    How to Find an Advisor You Can Trust

    Several years ago, I met with a wealthy widow who had been quite a bit wealthier before meeting Mr. Bernie Madoff. After that devastating experience, she was very concerned about finding an advisor she could trust to act in her best interest. I know she is not the only person who has questions and concerns about finding a reputable, honest and skilled wealth advisor. If you are in this boat, I've created a list of five criteria that should be an absolute requirement when vetting a new advisor.
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  • Why The Location Of Your Investments Matters
    Investment Advisor Talking With Client
    Wealth Management

    Why The Location Of Your Investments Matters

    Most investors have a process for deciding which investments to buy in their portfolio—with different objectives for building wealth over time. But once you've selected your investment mix, have you considered how the account that holds your investments affects what you ultimately earn?
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  • Tax-Loss Harvesting: Making Lemonade out of Lemons
    Woman Tax Planning For Business
    Wealth Management

    Tax-Loss Harvesting: Making Lemonade out of Lemons

    Like kingdoms, tides and my teenage daughter's emotions, the stock market rises and falls. Although market downturns are inevitable and expected, they are never pleasant to experience. On the bright side, these dips present an opportunity to make the proverbial lemonade out of lemons by allowing Uncle Sam to share the pain. This is accomplished through a process called tax-loss harvesting. I will break down this strategy into the three “P”s: principle, process and payoff.
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  • Prepare Your Portfolio for Midterm Elections
    Prepare Your Porfoilo For Midterm Elections
    Wealth Management

    Prepare Your Portfolio for Midterm Elections

    Midterm elections are just a few months away. This can mean only one thing … a flurry of political ads interrupting your favorite television shows. All jokes aside, you can also expect to see plenty of platforms built around the President's handling of the pandemic, the response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine and our current economic landscape.
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  • How an Advisor Helps His Daughter Search for Her Dream College
    Image of Girl Taking Notes
    Wealth Management

    How an Advisor Helps His Daughter Search for Her Dream College

    I feel like the surgeon who is operating on his own child. Well, not exactly. Let me explain. I'm not a surgeon. I'm a wealth advisor, specializing in the financial aspects of college planning. And fortunately, my daughter is not on the operating table. She's a high school junior, currently scouting colleges.
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  • Rhonda Maassen joins Northwest Bank as Wealth Client Service Specialist in Spencer
    Northwest Wealth Management logo and photo of Rhonda Maassen
    Bank News, Wealth Management

    Rhonda Maassen joins Northwest Bank as Wealth Client Service Specialist in Spencer

    Alex Johnson, Wealth Advisor at Northwest Wealth Management is pleased to announce Rhonda Maassen has accepted the position as Client Service Specialist in Spencer. Rhonda joins Alex Johnson who each began at Northwest in early February.
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