When applying for small business financing, your personal credit score matters more than you may think. In fact, your personal financial situation often impacts your business financing opportunities.
For example, if you are trying to apply for small business financing but you or a business partner have racked up hundreds or even thousands of dollars in unpaid bills, it can negatively impact your ability to qualify for small business financing.
Before you apply for a small business credit card or loan, it’s important to understand how your personal credit score can affect whether or not you get your financing request approved.
Your personal credit score is an important indicator of your financial responsibility. A good credit score ranges from 660 to 799 and an excellent score is from 790 to 850. You are more likely to get approved for a business loan, as well as have better financing terms and lower interest rates if your credit score falls within these ranges.
A credit score of 650 or lower can impact your credit card and small business loan request. For example, you may get approved but not get the credit limit or loan amount that you need. There is also the potential that your request could be denied. If you have a lower personal credit score that is impacting your small business, there are things you can do to increase your score.
If your personal credit score is lower than you’d like, you can begin to build your score with a few tips.
Each year, you can receive one free credit report. Make sure you check your report at least once a year to make sure there aren’t mistakes that could impact your score.
A credit monitoring service can help you monitor changes to your report and score throughout the year. Northwest Bank offers Credit Sense* — an app that can help you check on your personal credit score in real time. The app also recognizes when your spending patterns change and can alert you to potential impacts to your score.
In addition, there are personal credit scoring agencies like Dun & Bradstreet, Experian and Equifax that can help you monitor your score. If you are interested in a free business credit report, look into Nav and CreditSignal.
Your personal credit score can have a significant financial impact on your small business. Contact a commercial banker today to see how they can help you build your credit score.