Eliminating debt is one of the best ways you can improve your credit score. It is also easier said than done depending on the amount of debt you’ve accumulated. If you are feeling smothered by debt, there are simple strategies that can help you dig your way out, such as the avalanche method.
The avalanche method is an accelerated debt repayment plan. Similar to the snowball method, the avalanche method involves paying extra money toward one debt while making minimum monthly payments on all the rest. Once that debt is paid off, you move on to the next. You repeat this process until all debts have been eliminated.
The snowball method requires you to pay off your smallest debt first. The avalanche method, however, targets your debt with the highest interest rate. Eliminating high-interest debt first allows you to pay less in interest as you eliminate your debts.
Any debt repayment strategy is better than nothing, but both the snowball and avalanche methods can be effective ways to get your finances on track. If you are carrying high-interest debt, such as large credit card balances, the avalanche method may be one to consider!
The avalanche method can be effective if you stay committed to your repayment plan. A downside to this plan is if your highest interest debt is also your largest debt, it could take a long time before you see results. If you stick with the plan, however, you will save money in the long run. Following are steps to use to employ the avalanche method to your debt repayment strategy.
If you are struggling with certain debts and need a high impact strategy to get your finances in order, the avalanche method may be something you should consider. Contact Northwest Wealth Management, LLC at [email protected] or 877.207.0994 to learn more strategies for eliminating debt.
Access your credit score* along with personalized tips on how to improve or maintain an already great score with Credit Sense. It's built right into your Northwest Bank Online and Mobile Banking App, so you won't need a new login.
These tips are provided by the Iowa Bankers Association.